The Sony Playstation 3 is a seventh generation console.
Hardware Variations[]
Model #: CECH-A to CECH-Q
Dimensions: 11.42 x 2.56 x 11.42 in.
Starting CECH-H, Sony replaced the NAND chip with the NOR chip
Model #: CECH-2k
Dimensions: 11.42 x 2.56 x 11.42 in.
You can tell the 2k model from the 3k by its mirrored front panel and blue eject light.
Model #: CECH-3k
Starting 3k, bootldr and metldr are no longer fixed to hardware.
Has black front panel and no eject light.
Super Slim[]
Model #: CECH-4k
Dimensions: 11.4 x 2.36 x 9.05 in.
Common Problems[]
- The Yellow Light of Death (YLoD): A very widespread problem that can affect any PS3 but is mostly limited to fat models. It indicates a general hardware failure, but is most often caused by solder cracking underneath the CPU and GPU and must be fixed by reflowing the solder or getting the affected chip reballed. This is the same problem that affects the Xbox 360 and causes the Red Ring of Death (RRoD).
- Update Looping: When the PS3 recieves a system-wide firmware update form Sony, the system is scanned for hardware errors during the update process. If a hardware error is found the update will fail and the system will display an error message. In some cases the PS3 will automatically retry the update upon being rebooted and the update will fail with the same error, resulting in an infinite update loop. Solutions for getting out of an update loop range form re-seating the disk drive to replacing the CMOS battery, depeding upon the console version and the exact error message recieved.
- Laser Replacement: A common problem for many fat PS3's is that they stop reading discs due to a faulty laser. Replacement lasers or replacement drives (laser, sled motor, and spindle) can be found online for around $30-$40 (USD) and are easy to install.