Yellow cassetes
Yellow cassettes also known as catridges, Hey guys im Olivér and today 14x catridges games for one.
- Super Mario 6 (1996)
- Double Dragon II (1989)
- NBA 2 Jam (1998) (VT-552)
- 42-IN-1 (VT301)
- Super Little Marmaid (1990) (NT6031)
- The Adventure Island 3 (1997) (VT-352)
- S-Prince (1998) (VT3098)
- Figthing Legends (1999) (1034)
- Super 98 Peter Pan (1998) (VT629)
- Snooker (1983) (NT 840)
- 2x Adams Family (1998) (VT-459)
- Hell Limit Pill (1990) (H-P1)
- Fifa Goal 2 98 (1998) (VT-3061)
Hey guys im here and wecolme this blog from HIGHPOINTS FOR RETRO VIDEO GAMES EVER...
- 10460000 (Silverball)
Game Tech Wiki
The new wiki is ready! It can be found at Please add all new content to Game Tech Wiki.
We are moving!
It is with great pleasure that I announce we are moving the wiki to a private server! The new wiki will be named Game Tech Wiki, and I am currently in the process of setting it up. In the meantime, feel free to continue to edit this wiki, as it may take a few days for everything to get up and running. I will update this page when the new site is ready.
6-month anniversary
Today, Retro Consoles Wiki turns 6 months old! Since the wiki's birth in May, 160 pages and over 500 images have been added to the wiki. I would like to thank all of our contributors for their great work helping to build the site.
One month anniversary
It's with great pleasure to announce this wiki just turned one month old, in which we grew quite a lot from simple random links to what we are now. We couldn't have done it without YOU!
First mod guide
The first mod guide on the website is complete: A power supply mod for the Dreamcast VMU. Expect more mod and repair guides in the coming weeks!
We have recently passed 125 pages and over 300 photos! Congratulations to everyone involved in making this a better place.